The Next “Battle: Los Angeles” Viral Stage? Scott Caldwell, December 7, 2010January 19, 2011 While it was just the other day, we wrote about the hidden sounds on the new interactive website for Battle: Los Angeles, we now have what could be more of an unannounced placeholder for a future viral campaign. While the site does nothing, and yet again has Sony’s name all over it, the visuals themselves are quite amazing. Hopefully a sign of what’s to come when the film is released. Keep reading to find out more. It seems the same MovieViral forum member who brought you the last update, has been hard at work to keep the updates coming. OmegaXI has pointed us to quite the flashy, yet generic Sony site, that offers an amazing look into the carnage that hopefully fills the screen when the film comes out. Take a look at what World Invasion brings you: Based on the site’s image, the aliens are in the midst of fixing something? Let us know what you think. Battle: Los Angeles is in theaters March 11, 2011. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Battle: Los Angeles
“Prometheus” End Credits Image Leads To New Viral Website and Video June 10, 2012June 10, 2012If you are one of the many people who saw Prometheus this weekend, you might have stayed through the credits to see if there was an extra scene. You then may have been too disappointed in not seeing any more footage (spoiler alert?) that you might have missed something even… Read More
2012: Soren Ulfert Resigns from the IHC September 17, 2009September 18, 2009UPDATE: Soren Ulfert has updated his Twitter: For those asking why I resigned, the short story is — I didn’t. If that wasn’t omnious enough, Charlie Frost tweeted exactly what we’re thinking: Rumor has it that @SorenUlfert was forced out of @TheIHC…I kinda feel bad for the guy The mystery… Read More
Let Me In Viral Postcards From New Mexico August 9, 2010Overture’s Let Me In has an interesting viral campaign. While there have websites and mailings, the viral hasn’t really gone anywhere. There is no direction. Still, I find all the little bits to be fun and very intricately tied to the film, like the most recent update, a postcard from… Read More