Louisiana Forest Monster is Supposedly Viral For “Super 8” Dan Koelsch, December 12, 2010December 13, 2010 Quite often on the Internet, random videos spread like wildfire. It can be hard to predict, but once people latch on, it’s not hard to find. A great example of this is a Louisiana news report that made the circuits on Friday. NBC 33 in Baton Rouge had a picture of some ghostly creature in the woods of Berwick (just south of the capital). However, there are now claims that the image is part of the viral campaign for Super 8. Get the details after the break. In the video below, you can see the report for yourself. The reason it initially went viral was because it’s both scary (thanks to the image of the ghostly figure in the woods) and funny (the way the news channel covers it). Obviously, viewers have been skeptical of the authenticity of the image and it’s backstory, especially since the person behind it wanted to stay anonymous. Supposedly, the man’s friend’s family (red flag #1) found a hunting camera damaged, but the SIM card intact and with an image of some kind of demonic humanoid figure. The photo itself looks to have first showed up on the Facebook page for Wildgame Innovations.See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Conspiracy theories have run wild, but MovieWeb thinks it has gotten to bottom of it. Despite claims this the photo is from a real event in Louisiana, it is supposedly a viral image for Super 8. This is according to “inside sources close to the production”, and they’ve even got a video of girl talking about her role in a particular scene of Super 8.In the scene, the little girl in question is said to be trapped on an airplane with her mother, where she comes in contact with this scary creature, which the young actress refers to as “a zombie”. Below I’ve included the video along with both the original image posted online and one in which I’ve maximized the color settings so you can see more. Let us know what you think. Is this really the monster from Super 8? I have my doubts. For more information on the J.J. Abrams-Steven Spielberg collaboration, check out our Super 8 Viral Page. UPDATE: Louisiana Forest Monster: Possibly Viral For “Resistance 3″? ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Louisiana Forest MonsterSuper 8Viral video
Mouth-Taped-Shut.com Reveals New Photos and Artwork for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” September 21, 2011September 21, 2011If you love ambiguous and perplexing marketing, then you must be following mouth-taped-shut.com, the viral site for David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. So far we’ve seen odd photos and some links to interviews. But in some recent updates, we have seen a brand new poster for the… Read More
Watch NBC’s 25 Minute Preview Of Their Spring Television Season December 2, 2010The Spring television season is almost upon us, and NBC has made a pretty lengthy to promote their new primetime shows debuting in the spring, as well as the return of some of your favorites. With NBC being the network at the forefrunt of viral, hopefully we’ll see come cool… Read More
New “Halo: Reach” Live Action Trailer August 18, 2010August 18, 2010The Halo universe has always been about non-stop futuristic action with continuous explosions, deaths, destruction, and drama. The live-action test footage and trailers have shown it well. That is why this Halo: Reach live action action trailers feel so different. Check out more after the jump. Read More
doubtful, saw a call sheet for this flick from someone who worked on the movie describing a scene of the military shooting at something that is flying. vague but this thing doesn’t look like it can fly or is it advanced enough to fly any kind of plane/ufo
Obviously it’s Super 8’s monster’s arch rival, who came from another train that goes through the woods.Or naked old man.
Just a photoshop, not viral marketing for anything:http://byjov.blogspot.com/2010/12/mystery-alienzombie-hunting-pic.html
I don’t feel like the studio and producers would let plot details slip, even if from the mouth of a child actress. The parents would have undoubtedly been required to sign a privacy contract or something, because of the intentioned secrecy.