Update On Louisiana Forest Monster: Possibly Viral For “Resistance 3″? Dan Koelsch, December 13, 2010December 13, 2010 Yesterday morning we brought you the story of the Louisiana Forest Monster and how one of the theories behind it is that it’s somehow part of the Super 8 viral and is actually the monster from the J.J. Abrams film. I was pretty skeptical about it, and now I have found two other theories behind the image, though even those are questionable. PlayStation Lifestyle reports that it may be a viral image for the upcoming game Resistance 3 because of a tweet on Friday from Insomniac Games that links to an article about the image:Whoops… looks like one got out. If you see a Grim on the loose… please return to Insomniac Games, Burbank, CA: http://bit.ly/fqGoXX #fb The Grim creature in the Resistance series does look vaguely like the demon in question, despite having way more eyes. However, I took this to be more of a joke, and Insomniac Games has yet to follow this up with any explanation. Another blog (thanks to PDXJ in the comments from our original article) takes the investigation further and seemingly finds Internet postings from the camera owner, though even he doesn’t have an explanation for what’s on the image. Wired Web also goes into detail about the evidence that the picture is Photoshopped from an earlier real picture taken from the camera. Any professional marketing ploy would have probably been able to hide such evidence. Still, none of this is definitive, so we’ll keep an eye out until we hear yet another new theory. What do you think is the truth? ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Louisiana Forest MonsterResistance 3Super 8Video Game
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Campaign Slings Into WonderCon March 18, 2012March 21, 2012As was to be be expected, the viral campaign for Columbia Pictures’ The Amazing Spider-Man picked up some steam at WonderCon this weekend. In conjunction with Sony’s panel yesterday afternoon, there were a few updates to the campaign. Get the details after the break. Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Wreck-It Ralph October 30, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
J.K. Rowling Adds Another Harry Potter Story To Pottermore July 8, 2014July 8, 2014Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows marked the end of a legendary run of Young Adult novels. The series of novels closed with the titular character and friends having aged, matured, and watching a new generation learning different forms of magic and wizardary. Now with his own family to take… Read More