“Despicable Me” Mini-Movies Hit The Web Dan Koelsch, December 17, 2010 Universal Pictures’ Despicable Me had its home release on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and included were three mini-movies featuring the cute minions and the orphan kids. All three are now online (though at least the “Banana” looks to be an edited version), so you can watch them for yourself after the break. Let us know which one is your favorite! Source: /Film Viral Marketing Viral Videos Despicable MeViral video
Could These Be Viral YouTube and Facebook Pages for “The Dark Knight Rises”? June 1, 2011June 1, 2011MovieViral reader TheArc321 points us to a YouTube page that could be part of the viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s third entry into the new Batman film series. The YouTube channel also points us to a Facebook page, but is any of this in-game or just… Read More
Wrigley’s Gum Needs Your Help To Hunt The Red Skull June 14, 2011While the marketing campaigns for Thor and X-Men: First Class have subsided with the release of the films, Marvel’s summer movie season is far from over. With Captain America: The First Avenger due out July 22nd, there has certainly been an increase in television spots, but look for more product… Read More
“Total Recall” Viral Posters Seen On The Streets Of Hollywood June 10, 2012July 8, 2012There is no doubt that we will possess the technology to make your fantasies into reality, but for know, we must live that thought vicariously through the characters in Len Wiseman’s upcoming film, Total Recall. Now Sony has added a viral element to the film in hopes that it can… Read More