Feedback: What Did You Think of “TRON: Legacy”? Dan Koelsch, December 17, 2010December 17, 2010 Disney’s long-awaited sequel TRON: Legacy opens in theaters today, a film we have covered rather thoroughly. The reviews have been mixed, and you know our take on the sci-fi epic, but we want to know what YOU think. Give us your review in the comments below. Reviews FeedbackReviewTron Legacy
Reviews “Ultramarines: The Movie” Review December 20, 2010This may come as a surprise to you guys, but I know very little about the Warhammer 40,000 mythology. That aside, I REALLY enjoyed Ultramarines: The Movie. Despite being a straight-to-DVD CGI film, it’s particularly well done. But before I go into specifics in my review, here’s the plot of… Read More
Daybreakers Review: A Bloody Mess January 10, 2010February 18, 2011Sure, there have been countless amounts of vampire movies and television shows made in past couple of years, but I went into Daybreakers having high hopes. The film promised to be the project that would take vampirism seriously while also turning the genre on it’s head. Well, it accomplished one… Read More
Top 5 Reasons Why ‘The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition’ Is The Best X-Men Film Of The Franchise November 20, 2013November 24, 2013The original cut of James Mangold‘s The Wolverine started out as a PG-13. For obvious reasons an R-rated film for a comic book character wouldn’t be accessible to younger audiences. Luckily, Mangold took the time to research the material, often referring back to the Chris Claremont and Frank MillerThe interpretation… Read More
Well, my review is rather long, if you want to read it you can click here: But here’s the main point: Tron Legacy was more than what I expected it to be. It has it’s flaws, mainly with the de-aging of Jeff Bridges. But, all is made up for in the visual effects. One behind the scenes tidbit: the lightsuits are all self-illuminating, so you get different types of lighting effects. Trust me when I say go see this movie in IMAX 3D. No other format will do this movie, or Daft Punk’s score, justice. here is my review of this travesty
The movie was brilliant. It was a shining star of imaginative, beautiful film making. It was made for smart people, so there are a LOT of people that don’t understand it. I feel sorry for them.
I think it was visually stunning movie that needs to be seen in IMAX in 3D. The 3D is subtle and adds a layer of depth like some of the themes of the movie that I think most critics missed when they call it an incomprehensible plot. Unlike Pocohontas in space last year the plot didn’t hit you over the head with the themes (Last year it was pretty easy to follow Greedy white man invades kill natives, Military bad, Ecoterrorism good)On the surface it is the typical Joesph Campbell Hero’s Journey: reluctant Hero (sam) gets a message(page to Alan Bradley) to set him off on his quest, meets wise old wizard (kevin) and mythical creature (Quorra) on the way to defeat the baddie (Clu) and save the kingdom along the way a lost warrior returns to the light to redeem himself. But deeper it is the primal story mix of Lucifer trying to overthrow God and rule the kingdom of heaven and Hitler trying to rule the world with his perfect solution. Clu is not some cookie cutter mustache twirling villain at his base core he is the illegitimate son trying to win the love and respect of his father and know he did right. He does what he does fanatically because he is limited by his program, he can’t think outside the box and hates the Iso because they now have God’s love (who also have free will like Man)Have we solved the uncanny valley with Clu (Bridge’s deaging) not completely but at the same time we know he is a program limited by that programing code so the fact he looks a little off actually works for me.definitely go see it in the theater, the acting is not Shakespeare, but did anyone compare Mark Hamill in Star Wars to Laurence Olivier? Tron has always held a special place in my heart as that is about the time I started programing (BASIC on a TRS-80 my dad bought after a summer class) and it showed the wonders of the inside of computer. Tron Legacy is the next evolution has us question what is digital life, with all our social and virtual interactions of cyberspace these days does our cyberself represent us or something more.
I thought the art was beautiful, but overly detailed. What made the original TRON effective was its simplicity of design. The original was an escape from our reality. The new movie was too detailed with every inch cluttered with clouds and texture that simply would not exist inside the electronic world of a computer. The rain and dust effects were not appropiate for the TRON universe in the new film. All those details were too organic and lacked the original film’s streamlined hard-edge design. The new soundtrack while being entertaining was over-powering and too dark in tone. The original TRON theme was uplifting and was woven throughout the original film. It would have been nice to hear it reprised more in the new film. The sound designer could have used more of the original sound effects too. I liked the new Recognizer vehicles but was disappointed they no longer make the intimidating, ominious buzzing fanblade bass noise when they approach and fly overhead. Now they merely hiss like a turbine jet or something. The new costumes were fine because it is logical that they would change with so many upgrades over time, however, I think for the flashbacks of TRON and CLU they should have been dressed in the original grey outfits (From the first movie) with the bicycle helmets for continuity. To be honest the original costumes were more effective and detailed with their glowing circuit-board designs. The new costumes felt a bit lazy on behalf of the costume designer or digital effects animator. As if they didn’t want to bother with all those tiny glowing details this time. Finally, the new movie suffered from too much dialogue and not enough action. I rewatched the original and realized what made it work was that the art and effects kept moving the story along, advancing the plot. The Legacy film had several scenes that were as interesting as eating dinner with relatives and catching up on old times. I hope TRON 3 is better. It will be interesting to see what happens to CORA in our world and to learn if Flynn is really dead or not.