Super 8 Viral: Rocket Poppeteers Certificates Mailed Out Dan Koelsch, December 22, 2010 You may have forgotten by now, but you were probably one of the smart people who signed up to become a Rocket Poppeteers astronaut at the end of July. After many months of waiting, it looks like some candidates have been accepted into the training program, as they got mailed a certificate. The certificate, like the one seen below courtesy of Super 8 News, congratulates the person (using their astronaut name) on being accepted to the Rocket Poppeteers Astronaut Training Program, and gives that person’s Fleet Designation. All the fleet names, along with their rankings and flavor, can be found on the Rocket Poppeteers website while on the simulated space ship (image here). The certificate also has an authorization code, but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the website to input it…yet. We’ll have to wait until the website is updated to see what the code does and how the different fleets will be used. We’ll of course keep you up to date on the Super 8 viral campaign, and you can read more about it on our Super 8 Viral Page. Also, check out the Unfiction forum on this specific update. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Rocket PoppeteersSuper 8
Operation Early Bird Leads to Early Screenings of “The Dark Knight Rises” Prologue December 9, 2011December 9, 2011Earlier this week, two mysterious CIA documents were “leaked” online. It was quickly revealed that these had something to do with The Dark Knight Rises. A third document, tweeted out yesterday by The Fire Rises, mentioned a black ops mission called “Operation Early Bird”. This lead to the discovery of… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: The Hobbit, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, James Bond, And More! January 20, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Confused by the 2012 Viral? Sony Creates an Official Guide October 23, 2009Once again Unfiction pulls through with another update for the 2012 viral campaign. The campaign has taken a big turn in past few months. With several new websites, storylines, characters, and activities, it can be tough to keep up and make sense of it all. The marketing team for the… Read More
I’m french i’m on sonic strength fleet too but I can’t open the website. Don’t work 🙁 Do you have any idea about what we need to do?
I just got mine. I wasn’t really expecting on it and all. I was surprised. :]] I just don’t like my name though. Super Speedflier Fleet FTW, baby!! *Ellis style*