Kermit Duets with Tiffany Thornton In Holiday Music Video Dan Koelsch, December 24, 2010 Usually the YouTube videos from The Muppets are clever and entertaining, but it seems like they missed the mark in their latest video, which celebrates the holiday season. In it, Kermit the Frog sings a Christmas duet with Disney pop star Tiffany Thornton titled “I Believe”. This cross promotion within Disney isn’t surprising, especially with the new Muppet movie starting to get buzz, but trying to reach out to the Hanna Montana crowd doesn’t seem like the route to go. What do you think? Watch the music video for yourself after the break and let us know if you like it. Viral Marketing Viral Videos DisneyMusic VideoThe MuppetsTiffany ThorntonViral video
Review: Star Trek Countdown April 11, 2009March 23, 2010In the months leading up to the May 8th release of Star Trek, the producer and writers of film have been releasing a mini-series of comic books titled “Countdown.” The purpose of these four comic books, published this month as one graphic novel, is to the bridge the gap between… Read More
Mystery Video Could Be Viral Marketing For Monster Movie or Something We’ve Seen Before October 17, 2012October 18, 2012Peter over at /Film got a weird text message yesterday with an even weirder video attached that shows some kind of humanoid creature. Could this a viral marketing ploy for an upcoming film? While it’s probably not Cloverfield, we do have an idea. Details after the break. Read More
20 New “Oldboy” Viral Posters Takes A Look Back On The Last 20 Years October 9, 2013October 9, 2013When you have been locked away from civilization for the better part of 20 years, chances are you will miss quite a few major events in history. Bill Clinton getting impeached, Dolly the sheep being cloned, the invention of Google, the invention of Facebook, 9/11, Barack Obama becoming the first… Read More
Well, it’s a stupid video, but that’s not just because of Tiffany. Who the hell gets excited over the Muppets anymore? She looked like she was singing with a mitten.