Official Website for “Space Jam” Still Exists In Original Condition Dan Koelsch, December 29, 2010December 29, 2010 Come along with me on a journey to an archaeological site that’s been unchanged for ages. I’m not talking about a real location in the middle of the Sahara desert, I’m referring to Warner Bros’ official website for Space Jam, created back in 1996. 14 years later, the site has been untouched, acting as sort of a Internet time capsule that gives us a glimpse into our digital past. Explore with me after the break. The front page of the website (link) is simple enough, but the true gems are hidden beneath the surface. Each of the pages linked from the homepage have a style that reminds me of a combination of the old GeoCities pages and sites you could make with Microsoft FrontPage. There’s actually a pretty decent amount of content, though some of the links don’t work anymore, and some of the downloads probably aren’t compatible with your computer and operating system. As every schoolboy and girl should have learned growing up, Space Jam was Warner Bros’ attempt to make the Looney Tunes hip and modern by pairing them with Michael Jordan in a mediocre and silly film. Take a look at the site for yourself, and let us know how it brings up memories after the break. Source: Jonah Peretti (via /Film) Viral News Space JamWarner Bros
Viral Video: Inception Trailer, 1950s Version October 5, 2010Youtube user krishnashenoi93 (via /Film) has made a really cool Inception trailer that is done in the style of the 1950s. I’ve seen a lot of parodies and remixes done to Inception, but this is one of the few really creative ones that is proficiently made. Check it after the… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Total Recall, SNL, Ryan Gosling, Star Wars, And More! November 27, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral Unveils The Capitol Seal and District Registration August 31, 2011September 3, 2011The Hunger Games fans have been eagerly waiting to see what the distorted image would reveal and after two days of tweeting signals, the Capitol website has been updated to reveal the Capitol seal. But there is much more when you click on the seal. So hit the jump to… Read More
I hear if you put this site into the Geocities-izer ( the internet will explode