Viral Video: A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement in Movies Dan Koelsch, January 12, 2011 Product placement has been a staple of American filmmaking since the motion camera was invented. Sometime it’s done with subtlety, while other times it’s blatant (which comical, whether intended or not). Oliver Noble over at Film Drunk gives us a history lesson on product placement in movies, specifically the more obvious forms. Take a look after the break. Source: /Film Viral News Viral Videos Product PlacementViral video
Super 8 Viral: Craigslist Postings Are Gone! July 31, 2010August 25, 2010Go back to a month ago, and one of the speculations involved with Super 8, were some Craigslists pages found by the hard working crew at Unfiction. While at one point it seemed like a long shot, some new updates to ScariestThingIEverSaw have proven that they were in fact, a… Read More
Marvel Movie Video Bits: Avengers, Thor, and X-Men August 31, 2011August 31, 2011Today the Internet Gods have blessed us with a few videos from various Marvel sources. I’m not going to spoil anything above the fold, so check them all out after the break. Read More
Robert Rodriguez’s Newest Film Stars Kobe Bryant February 3, 2011We’ve seen big name directors try their hand at commercials before, so it should be no surprise that Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Machete) has taken the plunge with Nike. Rodriguez directed a short film starring Los Angeles Lakers basketball phenom Kobe Bryant called The Black Mamba (Bryant’s nickname for being… Read More