Could New Spider-Man Set Photos Lead To A Viral? Dan Koelsch, January 18, 2011 The Internet was aflutter over new set photos from the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, and while most people are trying to get a glimpse of Spidey in action, its a more mundane image that caught my eye. Could Sony be looking to start a viral campaign for the Web-Slinger? You can see all the Los Angeles set images at The Daily Blam, but below is the one I’m talking about. In it, we see the van for The Daily Bugle, the famed New York newspaper that Peter Parker will (eventually) work for. What’s interesting about the van is the contact information. There’s both a website,, and two phone numbers, 212-153-READ and 212-153-3080. Unfortunately, both are dead ends, as the link just takes you to the Mid-Ohio Comic-Con website for some reason, and the two numbers are not in service. With the film still 18 months away, however, these could end up being used for a campaign later on. The untitled Spider-Man reboot is directed by Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield as the non-caped crusader and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy. Columbia Pictures releases the film in theaters on July 3, 2012. Viral Marketing Spider-Man
Sony Goes Back to the Future for District 9 July 14, 2009July 14, 2009In a stunning new blog post on, Christopher (or George, the non-human) posts his newest entry . . . from the future! This newest post talks of MNU’s involvement in other slave-like-labor activities all around the globe. Whether or not the August 7th post was released before it was… Read More
E! Online Helps Save One Bubble Show With Your Vote April 5, 2010April 5, 2010Every spring the television networks have to decide what shows to bring back for the fall schedule, and every spring fans desperately try to save their favorites that are on the bubble. Fortunately, they got someone watching their backs with E! Online. Find out how they are helping you save… Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral Knows Who You Are August 29, 2011August 30, 2011Maybe Lionsgate didn’t give it some thought at first, but when we wrote an article about a possible viral site for The Hunger Games, the studio called to inform us that they weren’t marketing such a site nor were they affiliated with it. Naturally we edited it to inform you… Read More
I don’t think these pics are the start of a viral campaign, but I do think there will be one. It’s a little early, but hopefully something will start up later in the year.