SyFy’s “Being Human” To Be First Series With TV Tagging Dan Koelsch, January 24, 2011January 24, 2011 If you’re already a fan of SyFy’s new show Being Human after just one episode, then you’re in luck. The series, a BBC remake about a werewolf, vampire, and ghost that live together, is teaming up with App makers Shazam to make for a more interactive experience. Shazam makes an app that lets you identify songs anywhere just by having your device listen. Shazam is taking that concept and moving it over to television by letting viewers tag episodes to get exclusive web content, enter into contests, and eventually even purchase music heard on the show. While the tech (especially from Shazam themselves) has been tested on TV before, this will be the first time “TV Tagging” will be used for an entire series. Below is what Blake Callaway, Senior Vice President, Brand and Strategic Marketing, Syfy had to say about the endeavor.The audience reaction to ‘TV Tagging’ on Syfy with Shazam was immediate and impressive, providing new opportunities for our advertising partners. After researching the viewers’ reaction and their willingness to engage with this new technology and embrace a whole new behavior – tagging the TV – we knew we had to extend the concept to a whole series. Hopefully this paves the way to a more interactive TV experience that sci-fi movies often show us, and that companies like Google have been recently working on.Source: Business Wire Viral Marketing AppBeing HumaniPhoneSyFy
Total Recall: Personalized Rekall Videos and Comic-Con July 5, 2012July 8, 2012Last month, we told you about, the viral website for this summer’s sci-fi action remake Total Recall. The website is home to Rekall, a company that implants memories so that you can have a vacation without actually going anywhere or wasting any time. Now you can actually see how… Read More
District 9: Six New Clips August 6, 2009August 6, 2009With only two weeks until District 9 opens, Sony has released two new TV spots as well as some new clips including interviews and a b-roll (seen below). You can check them all out over at Trailer Addict. The new TV spots are mostly cuts from footage we’ve already seen,… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Space Jam, Star Wars, And More! November 20, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More