Cedar Rapids: Deanzie’s Guide To ‘Business’ Conventions Dan Koelsch, February 1, 2011 Fox Searchlight’s comedy Cedar Rapids debuted to mostly positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last week. They started some viral goodies for us, and now they have expanded to include another website, this time focusing on John C. Reilly’s character Dean Ziegler. Ziegler, nicknamed Deanzie, is an insurance agent that main character Tim Lippe (Ed Helms) meets at a convention in Cedar Rapids, IA. He’s a rather brash character, so it’s no surprise that his “Deanzie’s Guide to ‘Business’ Conventions” is hosted on the website DeanzieParty.com. Read all 5 of the innocently-titled sections to learn how to really get the full experience at a business convention. There’s also some clips from the film.Cedar Rapids opens in limited theaters on February 11th. Viral Marketing Cedar Rapids
Battle: Los Angeles Viral Site Gets Its Own Posters August 2, 2010January 19, 2011Thanks to our partners at Fused Film, we have five new teaser posters for ReportThreats.org, the viral website for Battle: Los Angeles we told you about right before Comic-Con. The site is the haven of W.A.T.C.H. (Worldwide Assessment of Threats Concerning Humankind), which tracks alien threats. Check out the posters… Read More
The Amazing Spider-Man: Webbed Menace Website Lists Sightings March 25, 2012It looks like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is keeping busy, as there have been multiple sightings all over the world. The Webbed Menace website now has a section that lists user-submitted sightings of the Web Crawler. Read More
Trailers Weekly: “The Smurfs 3D”, “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark”, “The Descendants”, “Happy Feet 2” and more May 28, 2011May 28, 2011Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. There is something for everyone to watch in this… Read More