Cedar Rapids: Deanzie’s Guide To ‘Business’ Conventions Dan Koelsch, February 1, 2011 Fox Searchlight’s comedy Cedar Rapids debuted to mostly positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last week. They started some viral goodies for us, and now they have expanded to include another website, this time focusing on John C. Reilly’s character Dean Ziegler. Ziegler, nicknamed Deanzie, is an insurance agent that main character Tim Lippe (Ed Helms) meets at a convention in Cedar Rapids, IA. He’s a rather brash character, so it’s no surprise that his “Deanzie’s Guide to ‘Business’ Conventions” is hosted on the website DeanzieParty.com. Read all 5 of the innocently-titled sections to learn how to really get the full experience at a business convention. There’s also some clips from the film.Cedar Rapids opens in limited theaters on February 11th. Viral Marketing Cedar Rapids
New “Skyline” Viral Video Hits The Streets November 10, 2010With Skyline in theaters this Friday, and already a couple of viral videos under their belt, the special effect team who are bringing you the film, want you to have a better understanding of what they can do. And by they, I mean the special effects team. Not quite sure… Read More
Viral Update: Disturbing Anonymous Viral Video Leads To More Videos and Speculation March 3, 2010March 5, 2010You may remember back in December when we showed you a really odd video that we thought might be part of a promotion for the band Animal Collective or even Nine Inch Nails. Well, we have a bit more information on the video, which now is a series of disturbing… Read More
Guns Depots, Meds, Food, and More Are All Available on the Map of the Dead App April 13, 2012December 27, 2012It’s always good to plan ahead. It will pay tenfold when the zombie apocalypse happens. Even with the fortified shelter, how do you find the necessary supplies to sustain yourself and others? That’s where the Map of the Dead, the latest Zombie Apocalypse Survival App, comes into play. Using the… Read More