James Cameron Interviewed Underwater for “Sanctum” Dan Koelsch, February 5, 2011 With the underwater cave thriller Sanctum getting mixed reviews at best on its opening weekend (including our own), it’s no surprise that Universal Pictures and producer James Cameron are trying crazy promotional stunts to get people excited for the film. That apparently includes having Cameron get interviewed while in a scuba suit. Virgin Mobile Live conducted the live question and answer with Cameron while he was in a tank at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. They even got YouTube sensation iJustine to host it. You can watch the entire interview on the Virgin Mobile Live Facebook page after you “Like” it (lame, I know). Cameron talks mostly about Sanctum, but also touches on True Lies 2 and other topics. Source: /Film Viral Marketing Viral Videos iJustineJames CameronSanctum
Tron Legacy Site Reveals Cities, But Why? February 19, 2010August 17, 2010Update: The list of cities has been updated to include the missing city and to replace one. As we reported yesterday, the Zero Hour website for Tron Legacy not only has a coded countdown, but also a block of text slowly being revealed. Now we know that the text is… Read More
Creator of “The Boondocks” Launches Kickstarter to Fund Live-Action ‘Uncle Ruckus’ Movie February 23, 2013February 23, 2013In November 2005, Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks, an animated series based on his award-winning comic strip of the same name, premiered on Adult Swim. Centering on The Freemans, an African-American family that moved from the south side of Chicago, to the fictional, peaceful suburb of Woodcrest. With it’s many crazy… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Campaign Wants Your Original Artwork! May 9, 2013May 9, 2013Briefly: We’ve been following the lackluster Star Trek Into Darkness Are You The 1701 campaign quite closely since it went live last week. The first “mission” was to submit pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine that were inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” 1701 fans were rewarded with… Read More