New ‘Super 8’ Clip – Possible Super Bowl Spot Preview? Scott Caldwell, February 5, 2011February 5, 2011 As mentioned before, a number of highly anticipated movies will be airing trailers before and during the Super Bowl tomorrow night. One of these films that we are all looking forward to is the viral filled Super 8, and now, we may have a sneak peak at what we may (or may not) see on Sunday night. Keep reading to see this newly found footage. Because of an advertisement, we now have some extra clips that we can all enjoy, and chances are, they will be the clips that we see in the Super Bowl ad, and if that’s true, I can’t wait to have some audio added to it. Enjoy what has been converted to a video (original was a once only played flash). Slashfilm has also grabbed a few screen shots too:Sources: Slashfilm and Super8News News Viral Marketing JJ AbramsSuper 8Super Bowl
Social Networks Help Kickstart “Lucid”, a Movie about a Deadly Virus, Time Travel and Love October 7, 2013With all the independent films being crowdsourced nowadays, it’s always nice to come across an online campaign that exudes the right level of quality, craftsmanship and passion behind a project. The Kickstarter page for the feature film, Lucid, is one of those perfect examples. Find out more info about the… Read More
Viral Website For “Star Wars Rebels” Promotes TIE Fighters October 21, 2013Lucasfilm has created a website for their fictional company Sienar Fleet Systems, a major ship manufacturer in the Star Wars universe. The website,, seems to have been made for the new animated show Star Wars Rebels, which debuts next year. It’s just an image right now (see above), but… Read More
Michael Moore Gets Clever In Theaters June 13, 2009June 15, 2009Michael Moore, known best for harassing alzheimer sufferers (Charleston Heston) and being portrayed as a terrorist (by Team America and Bill O’Reilly), is working on an as-yet-titled film that covers the bank bailout. Sounds promising given his past work, despite his annoying voice. Why is this news-worthy? Well, Friday night,… Read More