Different Versions of “Super 8” TV Spot Reveal More Clues and Questions Dan Koelsch, February 8, 2011March 11, 2011 Today we found out that there in fact at least two (and possibly three) versions of the Super Bowl TV Spot for Super 8, between what aired and what’s online (available in HD from Apple).The much-talked-about images within the final shot of the lens are actually different in each version, and when put together, give us a better idea of just what we were being shown. Similar to the original teaser, the viral bits of this trailer were allocated to the final image of a Super 8 camera lens with images flashing across it. Last time we got the STIES website. This time, we are given more cryptic clues, with images that differ between the TV and online versions. Thanks to the members of Unfiction and Super 8 News, the images from the two more common versions have been collected, and many actually fit together like a puzzle. Here are the groups of images below. So, that supposed “monster image” is really just part of some Quasimodo doll, which is equally creepy. It looks like that date we saw was really September 19, 1962. Still no significance yet. This shows a room with a briefcase on the floor, and a View-Master on top of that. Are these images from the film, or are they set during current time when the viral campaign takes place? We also found some other images hidden in one version trailer, which makes me wonder how many different ones there actually are. We have bleeding eyes, fedoras, and more. Take a look below and let us know what you think (click for full size). ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Super 8Super 8 TV SpotSuper Bowl
Wrigley’s Gum Needs Your Help To Hunt The Red Skull June 14, 2011While the marketing campaigns for Thor and X-Men: First Class have subsided with the release of the films, Marvel’s summer movie season is far from over. With Captain America: The First Avenger due out July 22nd, there has certainly been an increase in television spots, but look for more product… Read More
Learn About Our Alien Enemies Thanks To New “Battle: Los Angeles” Viral Site January 19, 2011January 19, 2011Faithful readers to the site know that I am usually pretty objective in my reporting, but I have to admit, this got the nerd inside of me really excited. Sony’s alien war film Battle: Los Angeles has been dabbling in viral marketing since Comic-Con, but it looks like they may… Read More
Chart: TV University Faculty Roster June 4, 2010June 4, 2010Reddit has a great photo that shows a flow chart of an ideal University’s faculty if it was made up of TV characters/personalities. There are a few movie characters sprinkled in as well, but no one is perfect. The choices are rather ingenious, such as Forrest Gump teaching Track &… Read More
Given the different versions of the trailers it makes me wonder actually how many of the images come from the movie, like you said, or from the ARG. I’m still trying to get all caught up on the game, and your posts have helped me out a lot with that. Also, thanks for grouping the images together! I’m waiting to see more from the Rocket Poppeteers site and Twitter, myself.
I have a new photo collage here, at the nend of the post http://www.soloparolesparse.com/2011/02/le-immagini-nascoste-nel-superbowl-trailer-di-super-8/
I posted a video on YouTube two days ago about this….here is the video that include screenshots…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY-b-qf_mZ8
does no one else realize the last picture is upside down? not that it will make it so we can tell what it is but the object is clearly sitting on a table.
I can promise you that this movie was kept very very hush hush….the movie was filmed in my home town and my twins are extras in it and we would’ve NEVER guess the zombie thing.