New ‘Battle: Los Angeles’ Viral Video Shows UFO in LA Nick Butler, February 18, 2011 A new viral video for Battle: Los Angeles was posted on YouTube earlier today, and it’s pretty cool. It shows four aircrafts over the 110 freeway in Los Angeles, one large UFO and three escorting it. After the break, check out the video, plus the new Battle: Los Angeles poster. The new poster. [Via Slashfilm] ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Battle: Los AngelesViral video
2012: The IHC Has Their Nominees for Leader of the Post-2012 World October 2, 2009October 6, 2009Yesterday the Institute for Human Continuity chose their twelve nominees in their quest to find the new leader of the post-2012 world. For those who don’t remember, each of the nominees gets a free PlayStation 3 and Sony HD Camcorder (It’s nice to have Sony Pictures as your production studio)…. Read More
Viral Video Of “Devil’s Due” Marketing Campaign Scares New York To Death January 14, 2014Once again, New York City was struck by some sort of supernatural event created by a viral marketing team that just loves to scare people. Following in the footsteps of the Carrie telekinetic coffee ship viral campaign, comes a new scare tactic that is actually a promotion for the upcoming… Read More
“RoboCop” Viral Marketing Searches For Human Volunteers January 28, 2014January 28, 2014Much of the RoboCop viral marketing campaign has centered around the technological conglomerate OmniCorp. This is the company that turned a nearly dead Alex Murphy into the new cybernetic threat against crime. In past campaigns, we have seen RoboCop in PSAs and participate in CES panels, but now the company… Read More