Bryan Singer Takes Fans’ Questions As Part Of Facebook’s “X-Perts” Series Alex Gerage, March 17, 2011 We have known for a while that 20th Century Fox was looking to use Facebook as a primary vehicle to market their upcoming X-Men: First Class. Since launching the trailer last month, the page has served as a hub for all things related to the film, including exclusive photos. Today though marks the first in the page’s “X-Perts” series, where one member of the film’s cast or crew answers questions submitted by Facebook users. To read what producer Bryan Singer had to say about the film and the larger issues concerning the X-Men universe, hit the jump.While it’s not a bad selection of questions, Singer’s answers leave something to be desired. Still, I respect the commitment Fox has made to using Facebook to generate hype for the film by hosting a variety of exclusive content. One of the questions is posted below, but be sure to over to the X-Men: First Class Facebook page for the rest:Q: Erickson A.If you were a mutant what kind of power would u want to have and why?A: Bryan SingerI would like the power of Nightcrawler or Azazel; the ability to teleport anywhere.Look for the next “X-Perts” Q & A to be released March 23rd, when Nicholas Hoult, who plays Hank McCoy (Beast), answers questions from fans. X-Men: First Class hits theaters June 3rd. Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookX-Men: First Class
Cool Motion Poster for The Other Guys March 26, 2010August 26, 2010Adam McKay’s (Anchorman, Talladega Nights) The Other Guys opens in August, but very little from the movie has been seen, despite its big name actors. Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell star as two mismatched New York City detectives who seize an opportunity to step up like the city’s top cops… Read More
Collect Your Friends With “The Collection” Facebook App November 23, 2012April 15, 2015The Collection is a sequel to the indie horror film The Collector that is opening next week nationwide. The Collector is a serial killer who sets gruesome boobytraps for his victims and collects body parts. The film’s Facebook page has an App called Collect Your Friends, where you can create… Read More