Bryan Singer Takes Fans’ Questions As Part Of Facebook’s “X-Perts” Series Alex Gerage, March 17, 2011 We have known for a while that 20th Century Fox was looking to use Facebook as a primary vehicle to market their upcoming X-Men: First Class. Since launching the trailer last month, the page has served as a hub for all things related to the film, including exclusive photos. Today though marks the first in the page’s “X-Perts” series, where one member of the film’s cast or crew answers questions submitted by Facebook users. To read what producer Bryan Singer had to say about the film and the larger issues concerning the X-Men universe, hit the jump.While it’s not a bad selection of questions, Singer’s answers leave something to be desired. Still, I respect the commitment Fox has made to using Facebook to generate hype for the film by hosting a variety of exclusive content. One of the questions is posted below, but be sure to over to the X-Men: First Class Facebook page for the rest:Q: Erickson A.If you were a mutant what kind of power would u want to have and why?A: Bryan SingerI would like the power of Nightcrawler or Azazel; the ability to teleport anywhere.Look for the next “X-Perts” Q & A to be released March 23rd, when Nicholas Hoult, who plays Hank McCoy (Beast), answers questions from fans. X-Men: First Class hits theaters June 3rd. Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookX-Men: First Class
Can You Figure Out The New Let Me In Morse Code? July 15, 2010July 16, 2010Just in time for Comic-Con, the Let Me In viral site known as HelpMe, has a new Morse code being tapped into the screen. But what does it say? And why is there an entry box just below it? Well, it’s quite simple. Figure out what it says, and move… Read More
“Avengers: Age Of Ultron” Wraps Production; Leaves Joss Whedon Wondering What He Should Do Next August 7, 2014August 7, 2014Directors, actors, and other production crew certainly have no problem promoting their film during the production process. Not only is it a great viral marketing method, but it also gives fans who are anticipating the film a rare behind-the-scenes look. Filming on Jurassic World recently wrapped production, with Colin Trevorrow… Read More
“Godzilla” Viral Review May 21, 2014May 21, 2014Godzilla was pretty much on everybody’s most anticipated lists of 2014 -read our glowing review of the film here. The idea of bringing back one of film’s most iconic creatures after a 16 year absence since the disastrous 1998 film directed by Roland Emmerich, was a pretty big gamble. Not… Read More