“The Hobbit” Begins Production, Launches A Facebook Page, and Releases Two New Set Photos Michael Lee, March 21, 2011March 21, 2011 The marketing world of The Hobbit is about to get broader and more in depth as the film has an official Facebook Page. Now we have seen many viral videos containing a music version of “They Are Taking the Hobbits to Isengard” and “Potatoes Remix” but Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the J.R. Tolkein novels never saw a viral marketing campaign. Hit the jump to see what the new facebook fan page contains.While it isn’t an official The Hobbit fan page it is a page that Peter Jackson himself created and the director has released a couple images of the set, some of which you may recognize, to kick start his fan page debut. The page will be updated regularly throughout the production process. Click the link below to see the fan page.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peter-Jackson/141884481557 The two films are planned for 2D and 3D release in late 2012 and 2013, respectively. News Viral News Peter JacksonThe Hobbit
District 9: Buy DVD, Get Dog Tags November 17, 2009Last week we reported that the DVD and Blu-Ray release for District 9 had been thankfully moved up to December 22nd, just in time for Christmas. Well, now we have more DVD news. Best Buy is doing a deal where you can get an exclusive lithograph and “Non Human” emblazoned… Read More
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Marketing Campaign Teases Clone Saga Story Arc January 10, 2014We all know that Sony is going to expand Spider-Man Cinematic Universe by making films for Venom and the Sinister Six, but The Amazing Spider-Man 2 viral marketing campaign took an interesting turn today. While the latest blog entry on The Daily Bugle blog is yet another name drop, it… Read More
Fan Made Work Watch a Montage of 2010 Film Montages December 30, 2010This year’s batch of year-end film montages have been pretty impressive, and to commerate their work, Badass Digest has created a montage of the montages that honor the films of 2010. Confused? Watch the video mashup (set to the “Bed Intruder” song) after the break. Read More