“Captain America: The First Avenger” Meets Team America Part II Michael Lee, March 25, 2011March 26, 2011 Super Bowl XLV gave us our first look at Captain America: The First Avenger, but the T.V. spot was a bit too fast and movie goers who are awaiting the film’s release felt that it wasn’t given the justice it deserved. Youtube user CelticPredator created a parody of that T.V. spot and not only did it make the spot funnier, but it also made it better. CelticPredator has incorporated “America, Fuck Yeah” by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, from their film Team America: World Police into the T.V. spot. Of course Marvel or Paramount couldn’t release a trailer like it, but it was nice to see that the studios allowed CelticPredator to keep the video online. So with the new trailer debuting this week, another parody by CelticPredator was inevitable. Hit the jump to see it.With released their first theatrical trailer for Captain America, CelticPredator is at it again. This time the YouTuber uses the same song from his previous creation and adds “Freedom Isn’t Free,” also by Parker and Stone.Watch the video below.Captain America: The First Avenger opens in theaters in both 2D and 3D on July 22, 2012. F**K YEAH!! Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos Captain America: The First AvengerFan MadeTrailer
Social Networks Fox TV Show “The Following” Allows You To Call Joe Carroll January 27, 2014January 27, 2014With the newest episode of The Following screening tonight, the show’s Facebook page posted a picture of a phone number written on a piece of paper. If you call the phone number, the show’s cult leader Joe Carroll answers with a message to his “followers” everywhere. Find out the phone… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: “Doctor Who”, “Thor”, Chuck Norris, And More! December 22, 2013 The Internet is full of videos related to movies and television, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest. In this week’s edition: The Doctor fails in his attempt to cook a turkey, Loki… Read More
Viral Video: Honest Trailers Tear Apart Michael Bay’s ‘Transformers: Age Of Extinction’ October 7, 2014October 9, 2014There are those who love Michael Bay‘s Transformers film franchise, then there are those who just hate it. While all four films have been a box office smash, there is no doubt that people unanimously hate the film for being vapid headache inducing action films. That being said, we are… Read More