Second “Tron 3” Teaser Now Online Dan Koelsch, March 28, 2011March 29, 2011 The Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray (out on April 5th) promises to have several easter eggs, as would be expected from a film with just a vast viral campaign. We’ve already been leaked a ten minute short film titled “The Next Day”, which both fills in the gap between the two Tron films and teases the third. Now we have a short teaser called “The Dillingers’ Chat” from the same source that gives us more clues to the plot of Tron 3. Cillian Murphy played Encom board member and software engineer Edward Dillinger in TRON: Legacy, part of the corrupt regime that cared more about profits than advancement of technology. Edward is the son of Ed Dillinger (David Warner), the main antagonist of the original TRON film. Elder Dillinger was a VP at Encom thanks to stealing Kevin Flynn’s inventions until Flynn exposed his thievery after going digital. Since the story is that Dillinger was fired from Encom and created his own company, it was surprising that his son is now on the board, creating their main product. Had the son gone rogue? According to this chat between him and his father, apparently not. Thanks to Anton Volkov, uploader of both videos, for giving us the heads up. (Editors Note: We originally thought there was a third video yet to be released, but it turns out to be a misunderstanding) ARGs & Campaigns News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos TronTron 3Tron Legacy
Full Super 8 Editing Room Video Revealed June 9, 2011As part of the viral campaign for Super 8, the website has slowly been revealing a film reel that shows the film’s monster and its technology being tested on. Now the reel is complete, and we get some great details from the spoiler-heavy video, and if you watch Super… Read More
Contests TFIOS Live Stream Concert: Ed Sheeran, Grouplove, Charli XCX And Cast May 13, 2014May 13, 2014Hey Nerdfighters! Be sure to tune in tomorrow May 14th for a special live stream concert in celebration of The Fault in Our Stars on Read More
New Image Found on Project Prometheus Website (Update: Second Image Found!) March 21, 2012March 21, 2012A new subpage to the Project Prometheus website was recently found, titled Eridu. Eridu is an ancient Sumerian city in what is now Tell Abu Shahrain. When you type in “tell abu shahrain” into the login section, a new high-res image for the film Prometheus comes up. Check it out… Read More
For some reason, this made me nerdgasm more than the first trailer did… DISNEY! GREENLIGHT THE SEQUEL, DAMMIT!