Fan Trailer Tries To Pass Itself Off as “Tron 3” Trailer Dan Koelsch, April 25, 2011April 26, 2011 Our friend Anton has posted some Tron 3 previews in the past on his YouTube channel, and he was recently sent what is supposedly a new one. The submitter claims it’s test footage for Comic-Con 2011, but despite the professional quality, it looks to clearly be a fan trailer. Take a look for yourself after the break. What do you guys think about the title “TRON: Destiny”? UPDATEAnton tells us that the guy who found the video contacted him again and said he was mistaken, and that it definitely is a fan trailer. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos TronTron 3Tron LegacyViral video
Viral News Viral Video: The 1982 Tron Holiday Special December 20, 2010Sorry to burst your bubble, but there was no holiday special for TRON back in the 80s, as much as we all wish it were true. Fortunately, Funny or Die has the same pipe dreams and regrets as us, so they’ve created their own fake trailer for the would-be special…. Read More
Thomas Jane Returns as The Punisher in Short Film “Dirty Laundry” July 16, 2012It’s been almost ten years since Thomas Jane graced us with his pitch perfect portrayal of The Punisher, but leave it to the man himself to never let a good thing go to waste. To watch the return of Thomas Jane as The Punisher in a new short film titled… Read More
Watch: Zeb Fights Stormtroopers In ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short “Entanglement” August 25, 2014August 25, 2014Disney had released its third Star Wars Rebels short in anticipation for its hour long premiere on October 3rd. Previous shorts have focused on the various members of the rebel force, one centering on an R2 unit, the other on Sabine, the Mandalorian Human. The third one now focuses on… Read More