Viral Video Round Up: Donnie Darko, Battlefield 3, Doctor Who, and More! Dan Koelsch, April 17, 2011April 17, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Ever notice how nobody says goodbye before hanging up the phone in movies? Phil Norden did. Is this the best movie ending ever? Yes. Yes it is. We’ve featured some of YouTuber oyguvaltshappy‘s mash-ups before, and his latest one throws in some Radiohead ala The Social Network to make a great fan made trailer for Donnie Darko. The Battlefield Facebook fan page for the game series was trying to get to 1 million fans to release their 12 minute Battlefield 3 trailer early, but they fell short. Instead, it was released this weekend as scheduled. The fan page is just over 830,000 right now, and the producers commentary is still locked until they reach their 1 million goal. I hate hipsters, so this trailer for the short film Nothing is Cool makes me laugh. It’s a Spinal Tap-like mockumentary of a hipster band. Doctor Who is wildly popular British sci-fi television show, and a new season starts Saturday April 23rd, 2011 at 9/8c on BBC America. In honor of that, YouTube stars The Fine Bros. have made one of their classic videos that sum up the show’s entire history in 6 minutes, in one take. That’s it for this edition of Viral Video Round Up. Let us know in the comments below if you know of any videos we should feature next time! Fan Made Work Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Battlefield 3Doctor WhoDonnie DarkoMash-upNothing Is CoolViral videoViral Video Round Up
Viral Video: Gritty Superhero Reboot May 12, 2010College Humor has a great parody video that uses a medical emergency as a metaphor for how studios go about rebooting their franchises. This one in particular is in regards to Spiderman, as the doctor accurately explains all the problems with the third film in the franchise (which is why… Read More
Explore Joe’s Desk In The “Super 8” International “Gonna Be Mint” Campaign August 4, 2011J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 may be almost out of theaters here in the United States, but tomorrow is the date that the film will finally be released in all countries. To promote the occasion, Paramount has a new internet campaign dubbed “Gonna Be Mint” after what has become a catchphrase… Read More
Exclusive: Interview Answers Questions About “They’re Here” October 5, 2010October 18, 2011After we caught wind of the viral campaign for They’re Here, I thought it was a long shot to contact them to get any answers before the October 10th countdown ended. Fortunately, I was wrong, as I was able to get whoever is behind it to answer five questions with… Read More