Exclusive: We Help “Find Me Event” Unleash Their Abduction Video Zach Oldenburg, October 14, 2011October 14, 2011 A few months ago we did an article on Find Me Event, the ARG where you, the viewer, takes part in locating a prisoner locked away by the evil Architect. This past week we gave you guys even more information with a promise that something big is right around the corner. Well, your dedication to the event has finally paid off, as we now present you with an exclusive video that officially gets the ball rolling on this Halloween’s biggest online mystery. Hit the jump to claim your prize. Ladies and gentleman, here is your abduction video: The pieces are set in place, people. What will you do to help this man find freedom? I can give you one big hint… participate in Find Me Event. You’ve been called to action. Will you answer?Find Me Event is an ARG (alternate reality game) launching this October, where the viewer must solve riddles, decode cryptic puzzles, and piece together clues to help find the location of a certain missing someone. This real-time event allows you to communicate via social networks with the characters. You yourself become part of this living, breathing horror story. I won’t give away too much, but I had a chance to talk with the project’s creator, and let me say that Find Me Event is something you’re really gonna wanna look out for. – excerpt from ‘Exclusive: “Find Me Event” asks your help to stop the Architect’Stay tuned for more updates on Find Me Event. Until then, join us at the official fan page. ARGs & Campaigns Fan Made Work News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos AbductionExclusiveFind Me EventNewVideo
“The Muppets” Marketing Was Hilarious, Interactive, and Lots of Fun November 23, 2011November 23, 2011After a 12 year hiatus, its finally time to meet The Muppets when the movie opens in theaters on November 23. Yes I tried to force that Muppet theme song jingle, but its true. The Muppets haven’t seen the big screen for 12 years, and now they are back, and… Read More
Let Me In Viral Postcards From New Mexico August 9, 2010Overture’s Let Me In has an interesting viral campaign. While there have websites and mailings, the viral hasn’t really gone anywhere. There is no direction. Still, I find all the little bits to be fun and very intricately tied to the film, like the most recent update, a postcard from… Read More
HBO Brings the 1920’s Back with “Boardwalk Empire” Themed Train September 9, 2011I have not seen Boardwalk Empire, but I know many who have, and they all contend that it was one of the best shows on television last year. Such widespread praise has generated some substantial hype for the show’s second season, which is scheduled to premiere September 25th on HBO…. Read More