What Do The New “Super 8” Viral Clips Tell Us? Dan Koelsch, May 4, 2011May 4, 2011 We’ve brought you bits and pieces of the mysterious video that is slowly being put together on S8EditingRoom.com, and now we have enough that we can at least try to speculate on the video as a whole. Get the details on the latest addition to the Super 8 viral campaign after the break. The film itself, from writer and director J.J. Abrams, centers around a train crash in the small town of Littleton, Ohio in the late 70s. Out of the train, which was coming from Area 51, bursts something with force (presumably extraterrestrial) and creates havoc for the town.In the ARG, we follow the modern day communications between Josh Minker and an unknown figure players have dubbed Mysterio (who is now dead). We have learned that Minker’s father was one of the scientists studying the extraterrestrial entity, and that something called the “vitas relic” is the key to unlocking the mystery behind where his father is and what exactly they were studying. Mysterio, now identified as Alexander Kaslov, was a co-worker of Minker’s dad.The film reel that is slowly being pieced together (partly through mailings) on the S8 Editing Room site is now starting to come together to show us the bigger picture of what it reveals. Read the transcript of the video we have so far below.[indistinguishable] provided an overview of events leading up to the assault on Technician 58042…of this subject’s escape attempt…exposing the craft to a barrage of…component cube parts…[indistinguishable] cubes. Even more surprising were their biological attributes, most provocatively the…with the subject, covered in files VRELIC 18 through 42. In fact we suspect a correlation between the dramatic state change in these cubes and the series of…(ambient noise)…the subject’s most likely natural…several of its biological…The tests were run in September of 1962 (most likely in Area 51), which is over 15 years before the events of the film. There must be a reason for this specifically long delay. Obviously the nature of the materials they are testing is relatively obscure. We see the cubes, which seem to be very durable and contain some kind of power, but what are they actually for? Does the government have a specimen, as the footage of Minker’s father carting something big, along with the term “biological” being used, seems to suggest? The narrator, Lt. Col. Martin L. Abraham, mentions that a craft of some sort is tested, but what else?The other interesting thing is that Technician 58042 was attacked, presumably by the entity. A few weeks ago we got a photo that had Minker’s dad and some fellow scientists (including Kaslov possibly) that looks to be taken around the time of the footage. On the back was a message about how some guys were going to try to stop what was going on, but it also had numbers that seemed to coorellate with with the men pictured. It looks like we were right, as those were ID numbers for technicians, and it seems that Minker’s dad is Technician 58042, the one who was “assaulted”. This is probably not a coincidence (images of the Alien dinner table scene pop into my head).Finally, the term VRELIC is used as a name for files, though it unfortunately doesn’t give us any more clues into what the vitas relic is. What do you think the vitas relic could be? Is it the space ship, the alien itself, the cubes, or something entirely different? Give us your analysis in the comments below.To stay up to date on the entire Super 8 viral campaign, check out our Super 8 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing S8 Editing RoomSuper 8
“The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” DVD Kickstarter Is Over 600% Funded With 2 Weeks Left April 8, 2013April 9, 2013Tomorrow will mark the one year anniversary of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a modern retelling of Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice, premiering on YouTube. The series ended just over a week ago after 100 episodes, and now the production company Pemberley Digital is in the midst of a… Read More
Warner Bros. Announces “The Dark Knight Rises” Facebook Game and Partners with Chrysler for TV Commercial Contest June 17, 2012June 17, 2012We’re about a month away from the highly anticipated release of The Dark Knight Rises, the final chapter of Christopher Nolan’s Batman legend. So far, we haven’t had much of a viral campaign set in the world of the film. But being so close to the release date, Warner Bros…. Read More
“Threat Level Midnight” Website Goes Live After Latest ‘The Office’ Episode February 19, 2011If you have seen the latest episode of The Office, then you’re well aware of “Threat Level Midnight.” Michael Scott’s decade long film project about fictional secret agent Michael Scarn finally had its big premiere this past Thursday. In typical NBC fashion, a viral website for the film has been… Read More
From Wikipedia entry for “Monkeys in space” ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkeys_in_space ): “The United States launched flights containing primate cargo primarily between 1948-1961…”It’s a Space Monkey!!!
I think that the cubes will function like Slusho’s ingredient like in Cloverfield. It obviously possesses some form of energy. I’m guessing that the military, and thus the government, is looking to analyse the cubes potential as a new energy source. From there, I see one of two possibilities. Either the “craft” mentioned is some alien ship and the cube is its energy source(the military tested the craft by firing a “barage” of weaponry at it) OR the cube could be a natural substance found in caves. This would explain why Josh’ dad, a biospealeologist, a cave biologst, was used in the operation, and the creature could be some cave animal they disturb when looking for the cube, though this doesnt explain the craft. In the first scenario, I’m guessing the creature was found in the craft, along with the cube. It could’ve been kept in a secure facility and studied by Josh’ dad. It could have attempted to escape, assaulting Josh’ dad in the process. They assess the biology of the creature and its likely habitat. Also, the message “it could still be alive. we go underground could be referencing the fact that after its escape and the military attempt to kill it, it could be hiding in a cave which either is its natural habitat, or mimicking its habitat on its alien planet.
i think the cubes are the creature you can think of it made entirely of the cubes like nano technology it can rearrange itself to form different shapes like the craft and probably does live in a cave but on another planet but whatever right i still cant wait for the movie.P.s. it probably feeds on electrical systems or needs them to build something which explains the cars missing parts and the water tower thing.