“Fringe” Season Finale Offers “Super 8” Easter Egg

Our friends at Super 8 News caught a nice little easter egg in this past Friday’s season finale of Fringe. During one scene, a print ad for Rocket Poppeteers can be seen on a building. Check it out for yourself at the 0:55 mark in the preview after the break.

Rocket Poppeteers is a fictional ice cream brand that has had a strong viral presence for Super 8, though we are still unsure how it plays into the Josh Minker ARG storyline or the film itself. Obviously, this easter egg should come as no surprise, as J.J. Abrams is the director of Super 8 and the creator and executive producer of Fringe, and he has done this before.

We had a similar experience to this with Slusho!, the fictional Japanese drink that was a primary focus in the viral campaign, was thrown into various other films (i.e. Abrams’ Star Trek) and television shows (i.e. Heroes), but ultimately had little to do with the film.

To get up to speed with the entire Super 8 ARG and campaign, check out our Super 8 Hub.

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