New Super 8 TV Spots and Clip Tease Monster Dan Koelsch, May 17, 2011May 17, 2011 The other day we told you about some TV spots for Super 8 that were being released online before airing. Now we have all the spots and a clip package that give us some insight into the monster, including quick glimpses that of course show very little. Check out all the videos after the break. What we really learn from these previews is how whatever the alien/monster is, it is smart and powerful, as the ominous “it has a plan” narration teases. Let us know what bits you found in the previews in the comments below. I was able to spot blurry glimpses of the monster in the convenience store and behind the electrician, and obviously the water tower has something covering it that is drawing all the debris to it.One theory I heard from MovieViral reader Tony T. is that the car battery (and probably other equipment) have been stolen to try to contact the alien’s home world, and that humans are going missing because the alien needs to harvest their organs (or simply just eat them). What do you think?Super 8 opens in theaters and IMAX on June 10th. Learn more about the movie and its viral campaign through our Super 8 Hub. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Super 8Trailer
Marvel Launches Interactive Guide to the Universe of Thor April 15, 2011April 17, 2011Marvel’s Thor is just a few weeks from opening in theaters, and while many of us movie fans may be interested in seeing it, we may not all know much about the title character and his world. Marvel UK hopes to fix that with their “Interactive Guide to the Universe… Read More
Conventions VidCon 2014: Andy Signore Talks Honest Trailers June 30, 2014June 30, 2014Andy Signore, creator of Honest Trailers and VP of programming of channels for Defy Media and Screen Junkies talked to Movie Viral over at the YouTube culture centric VidCon 2014. We caught up with the online video creator to talk about the VVRU fave, reception to his videos and about… Read More
Dance Like Oz in “American Reunion” Contest July 8, 2012July 8, 2012American Reunion comes out on Blu-ray and DVD this Tuesday, and to promote the release, Universal Home Entertainment is hosting a contest on the video social networking site Tout. Find out how to enter and what you can win, after the break. Read More