New Film Clip Revealed Through Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Campaign Dan Koelsch, February 18, 2012March 21, 2012 Mark of the Spider-Man, Sony’s viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man, has been in full swing this past week by having fans in six locations “tag” walls with Spider-Man graffiti. Now that all locations are finished, what’s next? How about a clip from the film itself? The official MOFSM website was updated yesterday to show that all six cities (Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, and Seattle) had completed their tagging assignments. If you click on the Spider-Man symbol below the images and message in red text, a YouTube video pops up that shows a clip from the film. Watch the clip below.The YouTube account is appropriately titled MarkoftheSpiderMan, and I recommend subscribing in case there are more updates or clips provided in the future. We’re still waiting to see what the next step is for the campaign, so stay tuned! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Mark of the Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-Man
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Campaign Wants Your Original Artwork! May 9, 2013May 9, 2013Briefly: We’ve been following the lackluster Star Trek Into Darkness Are You The 1701 campaign quite closely since it went live last week. The first “mission” was to submit pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine that were inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” 1701 fans were rewarded with… Read More
Could These Be Viral YouTube and Facebook Pages for “The Dark Knight Rises”? June 1, 2011June 1, 2011MovieViral reader TheArc321 points us to a YouTube page that could be part of the viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s third entry into the new Batman film series. The YouTube channel also points us to a Facebook page, but is any of this in-game or just… Read More
New “Star Trek Into Darkness” Trailer Sends You On An Easter Egg Hunt To Find New Poster March 21, 2013The eagle-eyed viewers of TrekMovie found hidden URLs within the different localized versions of the new Star Trek Into Darkness international trailer. These URLs link to the new international posters for the film. Check out where they found the hidden link in the UK/Austrailan trailer and the new revealed international poster after the break. Read More