Green Lantern Website Launches “Infinite Oath” Caleb Hamilton, May 18, 2011 The Green Lantern website has unveiled a new, interactive section that allows users to upload videos of themselves reciting the Green Lantern Corps oath. Do you know the oath by heart? Do you wake up every morning and recite it? If so (and if not, that’s okay), this site is for you!When you arrive at the site, you will be greeted by a wall of pictures of people who have already uploaded their version of the oath, which you can watch for inspiration. You too, can become a Green Lantern in a matter of seconds by uploading your version of the oath via YouTube. Afterwards, your video will appear on the wall below and you will officially become a Green Lantern! Try it for yourself and post your video in the comments below!Green Lantern opens in 3D on June 17th. Viral Marketing Green Lantern
Contest: Win the “American Reunion” Soundtrack! March 28, 2012April 3, 2012The fourth theatrical installment of the American Pie series, American Reunion, opens next weekend, and the film’s official soundtrack comes out on April 3rd. To honor the occasion, we have a contest courtesy of Relativity Music Group where you can win the soundtrack. Get the details after the jump. Read More
“X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Clip Sees Mutants Clash With Sentinels April 14, 2014With the viral marketing campaign revived, and the MTV Movie Awards having aired, Fox released a brand new clip to help promote X-Men: Days Of Future Past. The film has seen some strange marketing in the past, most notably the introduction of QuickSilver’s powers via a Carl’s Jr. commercial. Now… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man: Peter Parker’s Backpack Found and More April 25, 2012The viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man has heated back up after a month on hiatus. The Mark of the Spider-Man website has gotten ahold of Peter Parker’s backpack, and there are some interesting clues inside. Get the details after the jump. Read More