Are You The “Ultimate Movie Fan”? Caleb Hamilton, May 20, 2011 The 2011 MTV Movie Awards are right around the corner, and you could be crowned the Ultimate Movie Fan during the broadcast! Plus, DIRECTV Cinema and MTV want to send you, the Ultimate Movie Fan, and a guest to the 2012 MTV Movie Awards. All you have to do is read on to find out how you can win!You can become the Ultimate Movie Fan by uploading a two minute video to the Ultimate Movie Fan website about your favorite 2011 MTV Movie Awards nominee and why you’re the Ultimate Movie Fan. On May 23rd, people can start voting on all of the video submissions, so make sure you let all of your friends know so they can vote for yours!Movie Trailers – Movies BlogIf your video submission wins, it will be featured during DIRECTV’s broadcast of the 2011 MTV Movie Awards! The Ultimate Movie Fan and a guest will receive tickets to next year’s shows with airfare and ground transportation (no hotel?). Five runner ups will receive a tablet device.The 2011 MTV Movie Awards air live, Sunday, June 5th at 9/8c on MTV! Contests Viral Marketing ContestsDIRECTVMTVMTV Movie Awards
Watch NBC’s 25 Minute Preview Of Their Spring Television Season December 2, 2010The Spring television season is almost upon us, and NBC has made a pretty lengthy to promote their new primetime shows debuting in the spring, as well as the return of some of your favorites. With NBC being the network at the forefrunt of viral, hopefully we’ll see come cool… Read More
This Week In Viral – Nothing Big…Yet February 22, 2009July 18, 2010It’s been a relatively quiet week in viral campaigns, with just a few small updates to 2012, Angels & Demons, Terminator, and Watchmen. 2012 – The viral site has yet another Charlie Frost video, this time talking about an underground seed bank. Here’s the video: More viral news after… Read More
Viral Marketing “After Earth” Shows Us How Famous Landmarks Decay Over A Thousand Years May 5, 2013Have you ever wanted to know what would happen to the world’s most well-known landmarks if humans weren’t there to take care of them? Well, the upcoming film After Earth shows us the decaying result of our absence. See after the break what Mother Nature does to places like the… Read More