“The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign Begins! Michael Lee, May 20, 2011May 20, 2011 Cue the Hans Zimmer Batman theme because not only do we have our first look at Bane, but The Dark Knight Rises Viral Campaign begins. And that means we will be hard at work keeping you up to date on all that is happening with the viral campaign. Hit the jump to see the new website and a full view of the new imageEarly this morning WB launched the official website for The Dark Knight Rises and upon entering the website you start to hear loud chanting. If you listen carefully you can make out the people chanting #thefirerises, which when posted on Twitter or Facebook reveals a hidden image pixel by pixel. The image revealed was an image of Bane (played by Tom Hardy).JoBlo was the first to come across this exciting news. According to Badassdigest, this is pretty much how The Dark Knight viral campaign started. Now the question is if it starts out the same will it end the same way as well? I personally think it should. It’s the best way to involve fans and reveal a little more about the movie without having any product placement involved.Bane does look badass and hopefully we will get to see more things like this in the coming weeks.Stay tuned! Viral Marketing The Dark Knight Rises
District 9 Facebook Page Posts Mysterious Video, But Not For District 9 February 21, 2011February 21, 2011It’s not about District 10, either. In fact, the video is in no way related to District 9, or any of the filmmakers behind the movie. It is, however, tied to Sony Pictures, the studio behind the District 9 campaign. This silent and mysterious video is from no other than… Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More
Will Ferrell Promotes Escorpion Cerveza for “Casa De Mi Padre” February 6, 2012February 6, 2012The Super Bowl may be over, but that won’t stop our responsible readers from drinking a few brews. So while the timing may be a tad bit off, we have a new look at some of the promotional material for Will Ferrell’s telenovela comedy Casa De Mi Padre. Yes the… Read More
There is a youtube account named TheFireRises with 3 videos, one of them has a link to a facebook page of a group called TheFireRises, look that up guys! http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFireRises