Viral Video Round Up: Fast Five, Cars 2, Napoleon Dynamite, Charlie Sheen, James Bond, LOST, Harry Potter, and More! Dan Koelsch, May 25, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Michaël of Addicto Movie created a mash-up of this summer’s blockbuster movies. [via GeekTyrant] Check out this parody trailer from Cracked that mashes up Fast Five and Cars 2.The Fast and The Furious For Kids! — powered by In YouTube star Nice Peter’s latest edition of “Epic Rap Battles of History”, Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleon Dynamite face off. Jimmy Fallon brings back his great Charlie Sheen impression for a skit in which Sheen decides to do some replacing of his own Ashton Kutcher by creating his own prank show. Sleepy Skunk is at it again, creating a “Movies From Outer Space Mashup”. With the help of some YouTube stars, Kyle Roberts has created a pretty impressive stop motion short film called “Battle of the Bonds”. Monday was the one year anniversary of the LOST series finale airing, and to commemorate the occasion, YouTuber Kampetin of SL-LOST made a poignant tribute video that uses narration from The Lord of the Rings. According to The Onion News Network, the last minutes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2 will be split into seven more movies to milk the franchise for all it’s worth.Final Minutes Of Last Harry Potter Movie To Be Split Into Seven Separate Films That’s it for this edition of Viral Video Round Up. Leave us a comment with your suggestions for next time! Fan Made Work Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Cars 2Charlie SheenFast FiveHarry PotterHarry Potter and the Deathly HallowsJames BondNapoleon DynamiteViral videoViral Video Round Up
NBC Round Up: Fan It Initiative, New Shows This Fall, and Parks & Recreation Viral Sites May 14, 2010We’ve gotten a lot of news from NBC in the past couple days, so let’s pull it all together and give you one giant update. The network is launching their social media related “Fan It” incentive program in a few days, they’ve announced their new shows for the Fall 2010… Read More
Early Signs Of Viral At 2011 Comic-Con July 20, 2011April 25, 2013With Comic-Con 2011, literally, just underway, and it’s only preview night, signs of viral marketing are already rearing their pretty heads. With the likes of viral past, including The Dark Knight, Tron Legacy, and District 9, we can now welcome the films of Elysium, and a possible start of The… Read More
25 Historic Moments Changed By Mutants From “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” April 11, 2014It’s still too early to tell if X-Men: Days Of Future Past going to actually be good, but the marketing for this movie is starting to really heat up. We’ve seen some interesting ads with Quicksilver and Mystique, but no real viral activity until now. Playing off the X-Men: First… Read More