New “Super 8” Trailer Debuts at MTV Movie Awards Dan Koelsch, June 6, 2011June 6, 2011 While all the buzz surrounding the MTV Twilight Movie Awards, which aired last night, was about the first trailer for Breaking Dawn, we actually got another trailer that may excite you guys a bit more. The third trailer for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 debuted during the award show, and you can watch it after the break. Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog Super 8 opens in IMAX and 3D on June 10th. Check out our Super 8 Hub for info on the film and its viral campaign, and don’t forget to come back here on Tuesday to learn all about the #Super8Secret. News MTV Movie AwardsSuper 8Trailer
“Wolf Of Wall Street’, “Godzilla”, “Frozen” And More Earn Golden Trailer Award Nominations May 6, 2014May 6, 2014We here at MovieViral love our movie trailers. We’ve covered trailers big and small, blockbusters and indies, and of course, the ones that go viral. And just as TV has the Emmys, music has the Grammys, and Movies have the Oscars, trailers have the Golden trailer awards. Some of our… Read More
The Buzz: Gangster Squad, The Hobbit, Cloud Atlas, and More! July 27, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in our Warner Brothers Edition of The… Read More
NBC Round Up: Fan It Initiative, New Shows This Fall, and Parks & Recreation Viral Sites May 14, 2010We’ve gotten a lot of news from NBC in the past couple days, so let’s pull it all together and give you one giant update. The network is launching their social media related “Fan It” incentive program in a few days, they’ve announced their new shows for the Fall 2010… Read More