Full Super 8 Editing Room Video Revealed Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2011 As part of the viral campaign for Super 8, the website S8EditingRoom.com has slowly been revealing a film reel that shows the film’s monster and its technology being tested on. Now the reel is complete, and we get some great details from the spoiler-heavy video, and if you watch Super 8, you’ll see how this documentary plays a role in the storyline. Check out the full Editing Room video after the break. Super 8 opens in select theaters today and nationwide tomorrow. Follow our coverage of the film at our Super 8 Hub, and be sure to check back for more updates on this viral campaign, as well a review of the ARG. Read our review of the movie itself here. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Josh MinkerSuper 8Super 8 Editing Room
“Robocop” Viral Website For Omnicorp Is Updated With An Entire Line-Up Of New Products July 19, 2013It’s been a while since we last saw any updates from the Omnicorp website (it’s been an entire year!?). But finally, the leader in bio-mechatronic engineering, and the company also responsible for creating Robocop, the half robot, half human law enforcement officer, has resurfaced with a bevy of new content…. Read More
New “Iron Man 3” Viral Site Invites You To ‘Become Iron Man’! February 14, 2013February 15, 2013Briefly: Iron Man 3 is a few months away and it looks like Marvel Studios is launching a viral campaign for the Shane Black-directed picture. Stark Industries is looking for test subjects, but for what exactly? Registration to ‘Become Iron Man‘ is not yet open however don’t let that stop… Read More
CBS Wants To Give You $5,000 For Your Horatio Impression! January 25, 2010January 25, 2010CBS’s hit show CSI has spawned off two spin-offs so far. If there is one thing that we can say the network’s CSI: Miami has left behind as an enternal legacy, it’s the extremely cheesy openers featuring Horatio Caine (played meticiously by David Caruso). Why are they so memorable? Well,… Read More