Full Super 8 Editing Room Video Revealed Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2011 As part of the viral campaign for Super 8, the website S8EditingRoom.com has slowly been revealing a film reel that shows the film’s monster and its technology being tested on. Now the reel is complete, and we get some great details from the spoiler-heavy video, and if you watch Super 8, you’ll see how this documentary plays a role in the storyline. Check out the full Editing Room video after the break. Super 8 opens in select theaters today and nationwide tomorrow. Follow our coverage of the film at our Super 8 Hub, and be sure to check back for more updates on this viral campaign, as well a review of the ARG. Read our review of the movie itself here. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Josh MinkerSuper 8Super 8 Editing Room
Spider-Man’s Deadliest Villains, Carnage and Venom, Mentioned On “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site April 10, 2014One of the concerns fans had about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was that it was chock full of villains. Aleksei Sytsevich aka The Rhino (Paul Giamatti), Max Dillion aka Electro (Jamie Foxx), and Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan) will all be fighting Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) in the highly anticipated sequel. But… Read More
This Year In Viral: 2012 December 29, 2012December 29, 2012The year 2012 is just about over, and fortunately the world did not end. So, I guess we should take a look back at the stories we covered this year. From the best and worst viral marketing campaigns, to our most shared articles, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Read More
Social Networks Star Wars And Marvel Geek It Out On Twitter January 23, 2014January 23, 2014Forget the talk about Batman versus Superman. The big rivalry happening this week is between Star Wars and Marvel via their Twitter accounts. What started as an “AskStarWars” Twitter event turned into a hilarious back and forth ribbing between the two brands. Even Iron Man jumped into the fray. Check… Read More