Wrigley’s Gum Needs Your Help To Hunt The Red Skull Alex Gerage, June 14, 2011 While the marketing campaigns for Thor and X-Men: First Class have subsided with the release of the films, Marvel’s summer movie season is far from over. With Captain America: The First Avenger due out July 22nd, there has certainly been an increase in television spots, but look for more product tie-ins and promotional campaigns to emerge in the coming weeks. One such campaign is Marvel and Wrigley’s “Hunt for the Red Skull” game. Hit the jump for details on how chewing gum can bring you closer to catching the Red Skull … and $100,000. At CaptainAmericaQuest.com, visitors are treated to a map of Eastern Europe with little Hydra logos scattered across the different countries. As one moves the viewfinder over a logo, it enlarges, and clicking it will open a box to put in your “code,” found under the caps of qualifying Wrigley’s products. Doing so should not only present you with some images from the film (which TheDailyBlam! seems to have uncovered) but will also qualify you for a number of prizes, the grandest being $100,000.If chewing gum is not your style, or if you are just feeling nostalgic and patriotic, check out this World War II era poster for the film (above). Drawn by Marvel artist Paolo Rivera, the poster evokes imagery from Marvel’s very first Captain America comic. While I would have already made room in my house for such art if it could be bought, unfortunately, only 100 copies of the poster were printed. A few were handed out at this past weekend’s Hero Complex Film Festival in Los Angeles, and the rest were given to cast and crew for the film. Oh well, I guess if anyone deserves to own this really cool poster, it’s them. Captain America hits theaters July 22nd. Viral Marketing Captain America: The First AvengerMarvelThorWrigley'sX-Men: First Class
Fused Film News: Last Week in Review August 31, 2009August 31, 2009The Big Stuff A better week in the land of film news and some TV, first off, Fused Film has a new Associate Editor, Will Melton, joins the family (read More on him here). Secondly, sorry this post is a little late from us, it has been a hectic weekend… Read More
Big District 9 Rumors June 23, 2009June 23, 2009An anonymous source gave us some big rumors about District 9. I want to stress two things. First, the original source is unverified, while our intermediate source is reliable. That being said, this could all be bullshit, so take it with a grain of salt. However, it’s interesting and plausible… Read More
Viral Marketing “The World’s End” Creators Release Interactive Screenplay Of “Shaun Of The Dead” August 6, 2013The new film, The World’s End, is almost upon us and because it’s the third movie in Edgar Wright’s “Cornetto Trilogy”, it’s only appropriate that they give some love to the film that started it all: Shaun of the Dead. On The World’s End site, you can now pull up… Read More