“Cars 2” Roundtables: Fond First Car Memories with Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer Michael Lee, June 22, 2011June 25, 2011 Pixar has a passion for animation, and they have a keen eye (or ears) for actors and actresses. They just don’t cast them because of their name; they cast them because they have the ability to bring heart into their stories. Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer are just some of those kinds of actors that Pixar wants. Although the two didn’t voice their parts together in the same room, they talk about the experience they had in the voice booths and how passionate John Lasseter is to bringing a perfect movie to its audience. Mortimer talks about how her credibility with her seven-year old was raised now that she is imortalized as a sleek and savvy spy car, and Larry talks about how he and the director have a very close connection Mater. They also talk about what their first cars were and the kinds of trouble they had or got into while driving their cars. You can hear all of this and more by hitting the jump.Subscribe to the podcast on News Podcasts Cars 2Emily MortimerinterviewLarry the Cable Guy
Movie Theater Owners Demanding Studios Make Shorter Movie Trailers January 27, 2014January 27, 2014Movie trailers are the basic form of viral marketing, and every Saturday we have been posting the most talked about trailers on our Trailers Weekly. A lot of those trailers appear in your local theater, while others are web exclusive. But there is no denying that the number of movie… Read More
‘Blackhat’ Trailer: Chris Hemsworth Is The Techological Guardian Of The Free WOrld September 25, 2014September 25, 2014It’s been a while since we’ve seen Michael Mann direct a feature film, in fact, the last one was 2009’s Public Enemies. Two years later he would act as producer for the Texas Killing Fields. But now he is back with a technological crime thriller, Blackhat. Mann’s artistic mix of… Read More
The Buzz: Awards, Interstellar, Guillermo Del Toro, and More! January 11, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More