Thomas Jane Returns as The Punisher in Short Film “Dirty Laundry” Zach Oldenburg, July 16, 2012 It’s been almost ten years since Thomas Jane graced us with his pitch perfect portrayal of The Punisher, but leave it to the man himself to never let a good thing go to waste. To watch the return of Thomas Jane as The Punisher in a new short film titled “Dirty Laundry”, click the jump. This is the Punisher film we deserve! Raw, dark, dirty, and with no studio interference. I hope this sparks Marvel to re-think exactly what Thomas Jane is capable of when this character is in his hands. There’s no question that the guy loves the comic: “I wanted to make a fan film for a character I’ve always loved and believed in – a love letter to Frank Castle & his fans. It was an incredible experience with everyone on the project throwing in their time just for the fun of it. It’s been a blast to be a part of from start to finish — we hope the friends of Frank enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.” – Thomas JaneCross your fingers that this is the tip of something bigger for Frank Castle. #dirtylaundry Fan Made Work News Social Networks Viral Videos #DirtyLaundryThe PunisherThomas Jane
Cobra Commander Starts Kickstarter To Rebuild Cobra Island Destroyed by G.I. Joe March 24, 2013You may think that COBRA is an international terrorist organization, but according to them, they are just a worldwide organization devoted to making advancements in science and defense technology. So, with the G.I. Joes destroying their home base on Cobra Island, the Cobra Commander has started a Kickstarter to get… Read More
“Cars 2” Roundtables: Fond First Car Memories with Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer June 22, 2011June 25, 2011Pixar has a passion for animation, and they have a keen eye (or ears) for actors and actresses. They just don’t cast them because of their name; they cast them because they have the ability to bring heart into their stories. Larry the Cable Guy and Emily Mortimer are just… Read More
New ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short “It’s Not What You Think” Features Ezra Bridger Stealing From The Empire September 1, 2014September 1, 2014We are a little over a month away before the hour long premiere of Star Wars Rebels, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the continuation of the Star Wars saga since the end of Clone Wars. Rebels will follow a young group of misfits in the early days of the… Read More
What I meant to say ways, I hope this turns out the same way as that Mortal Kombat, hopefully better.
If they do it then I hope they use the same people that made this or Hollywood with mess it up again.