Dead Drop Activity Confirmed For Mission Icefly Dan Koelsch, June 28, 2011June 28, 2011 Yesterday we figured out that the Mission Icefly website was revealing cities throughout the United States. Now the letters are fully visible and instructions have been added to the bottom of the website, confirming our suspicions that a dead drop activity similar to the Flynn Lives campaign was imminent. Read the instructions after the break.ATTENTION TEST SUBJECTS: Starting at 00:00:00:00:000 we will need one volunteer in each of the listed locations to follow a signal.Details: • Bring a mobile phone with you (standard text messaging rates apply) • You will need to use your online user name from during the mission (register here in advanced) • Only one package available per location (first come, first served)Read more about the Mission Icefly/Test Subjects Needed viral campaign here. The countdown ends Thursday afternoon, so be ready to play if you’re near one of the locations. Unfiction is trying to organize the effort, so check out the forum. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Dead DropMission IceflyTest Subjects Needed
James Franco Jumps On Crowdfunding Bandwagon with “Palo Alto Stories” June 18, 2013You may not know that actor James Franco wrote and published a book of short stories titled Palo Alto: Stories two years ago. Well, now he is looking to turn three of the stories into feature length films with the help of Indiegogo. Get the details after the break. Read More
Concept Art Revealed for Disneyland’s TRON Show, To Be Titled “ElecTRONica” September 1, 2010Early last month, we told you about how Disney was looking cross-promote the upcoming Tron Legacy with their Disneyland California Adventure park via a nighttime show of some sort. Now we have a few more details on the show, to be titled “ElecTRONica” (clever, no?), as well as pretty crazy… Read More
In Case of Zombies…. RUN!!! August 23, 2010August 24, 2010It doesn’t matter how many times you release a zombie movie, it is always guaranteed fun. Seriously. Think about it. It’s one of few genres you can recreate over and over again without any shouting of repetitiveness. And for that, I am forever grateful. With the Spanish films REC, and… Read More
None of the cities are anywhere near me (Toronto, Canada. Bluh.) but I guess that’s good for once, since, due to the mail strike, I didn’t get my package yet! ;_; WHYYY