“Zookeeper” Tries To Become a Meme Dan Koelsch, July 6, 2011 Columbia Pictures’ comedy Zookeeper opens in theaters this Friday, and the studio has tried something a little different to gain some buzz for the Kevin James-starring film. They have an entire website on the Cheezburger network. Get the details after the break. The Cheezburger network of humor sites is one of the most vast networks on the web, encompassing such websites as (of course) I Can Has Cheezburger?, Memebase, Failblog, The Daily What, and much more. There is possibly no better source for internet memes than Cheezburger, and Zookeeper looks to tap into that fanbase.The sponsored website, called Prowl, and it follows in the same format as the rest of the network. There are old viral videos, image macros featuring characters from the film (the animals talk), and of course the film’s trailer. Altogether, the site isn’t really that funny, especially since we don’t know the characters enough for the image macros to make much sense.The film has been likened to a Night at the Museum knock off mixed with a little Dr. Doolittle, and I imagine the concept was pitched to the studio as such. The film already hasn’t had much positive buzz (the most liked comment on Sony’s YouTube posting of the trailer is “This is going to suck.”), so I don’t think this is going to help much.What do you think of the promoted Cheezburger site? Are you excited at all for this film? Let us know in the comments below. Viral Marketing CheezburgerColumbia PicturesSonyZookeeper
The Buzz: Man of Steel, Star Wars, Spider-Man, and More! June 22, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
Instant YouTube Sensation Gets a Documentary March 3, 2010March 2, 2010It’s usually hard to guess what’s going to become a viral sensation on YouTube, but sometimes a video will skyrocket to the top, even making regular TV news broadcasts. Such is the case for the video uploaded two weeks ago in which an elderly white guy beats up an African… Read More
Trailers Weekly: “The Human Centipede 2: (Full Sequence)”, “New Year’s Eve”, “Paranormal Activity 3”, and “Extremely Close and Incredibly Loud” October 1, 2011October 1, 2011Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. There is something for everyone to watch in this… Read More