“The Dark Knight Rises” Teaser Trailer Has Some Familiar Chanting; Great Fan Poster For The Batman Trilogy Michael Lee, July 18, 2011July 18, 2011 Finally, after a teaser viral, a teaser poster, and an entire weekend of waiting, we finally have the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. WB released the trailer on the official Facebook fan page for The Dark Knight Rises, so naturally there is no embed code. But turn that frown upside down because Slashfilm (via The Film Stage) has the trailer for us to watch for those that don’t have a Facebook page yet. Hit the jump to watch it and get a few tid bits on possible viral updates.Now, this trailer features the same chanting from when the viral campaign began a month and a half ago. That chanting took had users tweet or update their status with #thefirerises. After all was said and done, the mural of twitter profile photos revealed the first image of Bane. But what does the chanting mean now in terms of the viral campaign. That is still unknown. But what we do know is that the chanting (in Moroccan it means He Rises, He Rises) will probably play a vital role in the viral campaign, should there be one. So if there is one, could we be seeing some sort of chanting or ritual at the San Diego Comic-Con this year? We still do not know who is handing the viral campaign. But if there is one, and there should be one, you know MovieViral.com will be there to cover it.In other Batman related news, David Chen of Slashfilm.com tweeted a link to a fan made Batman teaser poster. Now given the impact that Nolan’s Batman films have had, this is just not your ordinary fan made poster. It features the symbol of the Batman throughout the three films. All three of the original posters featured the symbol of the Batman in one form or another. With Begins, we saw a gritty brown Batman logo; with The Dark Knight, we saw the Batman logo burn; and with Rises, we see the symbol of the Batman crumble. So this fan decided to fuse all three parts from each of those posters and create one singular Batman symbol, and it really looks bad ass. News Viral Marketing The Dark Knight Rises
JibJab Puts You in a Katy Perry Music Video June 30, 2012The concert film Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D opens in theaters on July 5th, and to promote the film, Paramount has teamed up with Jib Jab to let you and your friends be in the “California Girls” music video in the way only JibJab can. Check out the version… Read More
News The “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens” Trailer With A Breakdown Of What We Saw November 28, 2014November 28, 2014 As a huge Star Wars fan, today’s reveal of the new trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams‘ continuation of the sci-fi action saga, is beyond amazing in my opinion. I never knew in my lifetime I would ever see any sequels to the… Read More
“Green Lantern” Gets ‘Got Milk?’ Ad, Viral Site, And More May 28, 2011Remember when we were all worried that Green Lantern would not have much of a marketing push due to difficulties with its special effects? It seems that in the weeks since Warner Bros. tempered marketing expectations, fans have faced a barraged of trailers, television spots, viral websites, and much more…. Read More
you don’t need a fb account to view the trailer; there’s a link from TDKR website to the fb page also.
I’ve been hearing it as “This is our hour, this is our hour.” But it’s not like it’s comprehensible or anything. It doesn’t HAVE to be, because its EFFIN AWESOME.