Send A Free Telegram via Cowboys & Aliens! Caleb Hamilton, July 20, 2011 You’re probably too young to remember telegrams; little messages sent over radio and telephone lines through morse code. You’ve probably heard of them or learned about them in school. Well, Universal Studios and have teamed up to allow you to send telegrams to friends for free! Find out how after the jump! is a site that allows you to send old style telegrams all over the world. It usually costs $5.95 to send one, but during the special promotion you can send one for absolutely free* by using the special promo code CA2011. Just go to the special Cowboys &; Aliens promotion site to type out your message! Afterwards, you can choose to have it sent now or at a later date, which is pretty cool. I sent a couple that were supposedly arriving from 1885 (can you guess which movie I’m referencing?).*You are allowed to send up to five telegrams for free.The telegram will take about 4-8 days to arrive at its destination. Who will you send one to?Cowboys & Aliens hits theaters and IMAX July 29th. Viral Marketing CowboysTelegramUniversal Studios
Salt: Day X Exists Mission 4 Now Live June 9, 2010As we previously reported, Columbia Picture’s Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, has an interactive story you can participate in at their official website. Every week there is a new mission, and last week Salt needed you to hack into a file being exchanged by Day X agents. This week, you’ll have… Read More
Viral Video: Dancing Groot Scene From “Guardians Of The Galaxy” August 14, 2014August 14, 2014We are already nearing two weeks since the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, and true Marvel fans – all of whom should have told everyone not to leave the theater until the end of the credits by now – might have seen those hilarious extra credit scenes by now…. Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Parks and Recreation, Denzel Washington, Daria: The Movie, And More! August 4, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More