The Union Needs You: Repo Men Required Iain Welford, February 22, 2010 If you have been following the Repo Men viral, you’ll know that Wired held an open application for runners to go undercover and evade the Repo Men for one month to win a cash prize of $7,500.The runners have now been selected and there are only 2 days left before their payments run out. If you head over to the site you’ll find a timer counting down to when the chase begins.Although applications for runners have been finalized, there is still an opportunity to join in the hunt posing as a Repo Man. The opportunity to apply will be available soon, and if the previous contest held by Wired is anything to look at, it will be worth following.In the last contest the goal was to find Evan, one of Wired’s staff writers, and clues were hidden all over New York – including the New York Times crossword. It’s important to note that only registered Repo Men can take part, so keep watching for the rules and apply for what promises to be a great ARG contest.We want to know if anyone has been selected as a runner or a Repo Man. Leave your comments below if you have been successful. Good luck to all the participants and we’ll be sure to post updates when we get them. Viral Marketing ARGForest WhitakerJude LawRepo menwired
Watch: Zeb Fights Stormtroopers In ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short “Entanglement” August 25, 2014August 25, 2014Disney had released its third Star Wars Rebels short in anticipation for its hour long premiere on October 3rd. Previous shorts have focused on the various members of the rebel force, one centering on an R2 unit, the other on Sabine, the Mandalorian Human. The third one now focuses on… Read More
Help Create “Bear Week”, Because Bears Are Better Than Sharks August 3, 2011We are treading water in the middle of Shark Week on Discovery Channel, but Kevin Corrigan of College Humor thinks a different animal deserves their own week as well (if not instead). In fact, he’s putting a petition together to make it happen. Learn more after the break. Read More
LA Times Video Re-Cap of “TRON: Legacy” Viral February 10, 2011Jay West of the Los Angeles Times’ Hero Complex blog has posted a video summary of the TRON: Legacy viral/ARG campaign. It’s a pretty solid review, so check it out after the break. Read More
I’m sure it would’ve been fun to have been selected as a runner, boy would I like to walk away from my life at the moment.