Help Create “Bear Week”, Because Bears Are Better Than Sharks Dan Koelsch, August 3, 2011 We are treading water in the middle of Shark Week on Discovery Channel, but Kevin Corrigan of College Humor thinks a different animal deserves their own week as well (if not instead). In fact, he’s putting a petition together to make it happen. Learn more after the break. Corrigan wrote an article for the humor site titled “10 Reasons Why Bear Week Would Be Better Than Shark Week”, and he makes some compelling points. Read the article for yourself, and if you agree, check out his petition to make Bear Week happen. His goal is to get 7,500 signatures, and he’s 3/4 of the way there. After one week, Corrigan “will forward this petition, along with the article, to the Discovery Channel in hopes that they will create Bear Week.”Let us know in the comments below what animal you think should get its own week! Viral Marketing Viral News Discovery ChannelPetitionShark Week
Explore Filming Locations With “Movie Lovers Guide To The World” Map November 22, 2012November 23, 2012Have you ever wanted to explore where the most famous movies have been filmed? Foreign currency provider Travelex helps you do just that with their Movie Lovers Guide To The World app that uses Google Maps to pinpoint shooting locations for IMDB’s Top 250 films. Check it out after the… Read More
Paranormal Activity 2 Site Updated With Secrets In Trailer September 14, 2010The first Paranormal Activity had a strong viral campaign that pretty much made the film’s success, so it’s no surprise there will be creepy things to find in the marketing for its sequel. It may have taken a few days, but here’s every secret in the new trailer so far. Read More
Transformers 2: Receive a Call from Optimus Prime! October 5, 2009October 5, 2009With the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD and Blu-Ray being released on October 20th, Paramount is looking for inventive ways to promote the film. The marketing team behind the DVD release have established a new page on the official site titled, where there are four different activities for… Read More