Viral Video Round Up: Fright Night, The Muppets, Anne Hathaway, Glee, Ruben Fleischer, And More! Zach Oldenburg, August 21, 2011October 18, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. With Fright Night 3D in theaters, may I now present you with Fright Night: The Musical. P.S., I totally recommend the new flick.Nostalgia overload here as OK Go revamps the Muppets theme song. YouTuber DonDraperSaysWhat has put together this supercut of 172 movie characters all calling for silence. Who needs Peter Gabriel when you’ve got Nyan Cat? While I’m not the biggest Harry Potter fan, I will admit that I laughed at Harry Potter and the SteamY Slow Jam. YouTube sensation BeenerKeeKee teams up with the Glee cast to sing Don’t Stop Believin’. Remixer RydenRidge cut together this cool Adventure Time song. (via contributing writer Caleb Hamilton) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED TO PAGE 2 OF THIS WEEK’S VIRAL VIDEO ROUND UP!!Pages: 1 2 Fan Made Work News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos anne hathawaybutterfingerdanny mcbridedavid gordon greenFright NightGLEEHarry Pottermission: impossible 4musicalrob loweThe MuppetsViral Video Round Up
Comic-Con Facebook Post Teases A New “Predators” Project To Be Announced At Comic-Con July 15, 2013The last time we had a Predator movie on the big screen was Robert Rodriguez’s Predators which came out about 3 years ago. There was talk of a follow-up movie, but nothing ever came to fruition. With Comic-Con almost upon us, an interesting image has popped up online that could possibly… Read More
Toy Story 3 Oscar Campaign Gets Noticed December 28, 2010Almost every film with a shot at an Oscar (and even some that don’t) starts a campaign around this time of year for their respective category. Usually they are simple and uninteresting, thus go unnoticed. However, Disney’s Best Picture campaign for Toy Story 3 is drawing attention for its unique… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Website Now Has Video of Tagging Events February 25, 2012March 21, 2012The Mark of the Spider-Man viral website had a change the other day that was unexplained. The large Spider-Man symbol at the bottom of the page no longer linked to the exclusive clip from The Amazing Spider-Man. Instead, it went to the film’s trailer on the Sony Pictures YouTube channel…. Read More