“The Hunger Games” Viral Knows Who You Are Michael Lee, August 29, 2011August 30, 2011 Maybe Lionsgate didn’t give it some thought at first, but when we wrote an article about a possible viral site for The Hunger Games, the studio called to inform us that they weren’t marketing such a site nor were they affiliated with it. Naturally we edited it to inform you that there wasn’t a viral for the film adaptation, but given that the teaser trailer was just released, the studio has debuted their own viral site for the flim. Don’t worry this one is for real.Comingsoon.net was the first to find out about the new viral site for The Hunger Games. When you enter TheCaptiol.pn, you see a very blurred image that shifts in random places. Below is a connection that will allow you to identify yourself via twitter, so hopefully there will be a connection for Facebook users. After authentication, you get a small pop-up that allows you to tweet The Capitol knows who I am. Identify yourself immediately: http://thecapitol.pn #whatsmydistrictThis viral seems to play off the same sort of marketing and strategy that The Dark Knight Rises used. Although there won’t be any images of twitter users, the bigger picture itself could slow down and piece itself together to reveal the final image. Again this is just a thought.Below is the image that I first saw. If you think you know what it is, post it as a comment below. News Viral Marketing Viral News LionsgateThe Hunger Games
Find Subject Zero – What Does it Mean? June 6, 2010June 7, 2010Many of you know that we at MovieViral love a great viral campaign in hopes to what it may or may not bring to the big screen. But every now and then, we branch out of film, and move into other forms of entertainment, based on it’s quality. We saw… Read More
Viral Video: The Sound of TRON Legacy December 7, 2010Soundworks Collection has a very insightful video that focuses on the music and sound design for Disney’s TRON: Legacy. The site talks with Sound Re-Recording Mixer Gary Rizzo, Supervising Sound Editor Gwen Yates Whittle, and Sound Designer Steve Boeddeke about how the music and sound effects are essential to the… Read More
The Buzz: The Oscars, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Iron Man 3 March 1, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
I can’t wait for the Hunger Games. I have watched the movie teaser trailer that I have on my website ( http://movietease.blogspot.com/2011/08/hunger-games-official-movie-trailer.html ) quite a few times already. Something familiar about it but looks unique in it’s own right.