Train Railings Turn To Lightsabers in Japan Dan Koelsch, September 26, 2011 To promote the September 16th Blu-ray release of Star Wars: The Complete Saga in Japan, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Japan turned handrails of trains in Tokyo into lightsabers. According to Japan Trends, this is the first time the handrails have ever been used for advertising. See another photo after the break and let us know what you think of this stunt! Viral Marketing JapanStar Wars
District 9 Viral: “George” Explained and Christopher Addresses Arc Gun on Ebay August 6, 2009August 6, 2009On a call with a Sony representative today, we got a little insight into the reasoning behind the change in names of the blogger on If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read my original article about it. Apparently, the blog site was originally designed to be autonomous… Read More
Trip Your Balls Off To Ellie Goulding’s “Lights” January 14, 2012January 14, 2012Briefly: We don’t cover music very often here at MovieViral, but we like to branch out on occasion, and this is one of those. You may have heard Ellie Goulding’s hit song “Lights” on the radio in the past year, but when you try what her website simply calls “An… Read More
Tron Legacy Motion Poster October 27, 2010Motion posters have been all the rage in past year or two, and Disney is jumping on board with a pretty cool motion poster for the upcoming Tron Legacy (via HeyUGuys). Take a look after the break. Read More