The Dark Knight May Occupy Wall Street, Not As The One Percent Zach Oldenburg, October 18, 2011October 18, 2011 As rich as Bruce Wayne is, he really has no place being at Occupy Wall Street. Director Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises) seems to think differently as the upcoming New York shoot may include the protests in Zuccotti Park. For more information on this, click the jump. The Dark Knight Rises is set to shoot in New York on October 29th, and movie sites are starting to speculate that the ongoing protest will play into a scene of anarchy in Gotham. New York will double as Gotham though, so don’t expect to see any “one nation under greed” poster boards getting thrown at the Tumbler.Warner Bros. hasn’t confirmed or denied these speculations, so until we actually see some set photos, I’ll file this under the maybe category.Source: LA Times News Viral Marketing Viral News Christopher NolanOccupy Wall StreetThe Dark Knight Rises
Is 2010 The Year of Augmented Reality? January 4, 2010July 18, 2010So that’s it. A new decade has passed, and so far I’ve not got that flying car yet (can’t afford it) and my fridge isn’t ordering my food online yet (can’t afford it, the fridge that is, not the food), but technology is definitely catching up with the predictions. Now… Read More
Time Magazine Ranks Top Ten Star Wars Fan Films August 25, 2010Star Wars has always been a great source for fan films. Dan reported a few days back about the fan reenactment project called Star Wars Uncut, but dozens of original stories relating to the beloved space saga have popped up on the internet for the past decade. Time realized this, and asked fans… Read More
Promotional Viral Videos For Despicable Me, Knight and Day, and Get Him To The Greek June 12, 2010June 12, 2010We have several viral videos created to promote some upcoming summer movies. First, the minions from Despicable Me flash mobbed the Grove in Los Angeles, we have another attempt at a Knight and Day viral video, and Get Him To The Greek has a few videos on Funny or Die…. Read More