WonderCon 2012 Tickets Are Now On Sale Dan Koelsch, December 2, 2011 Briefly: We don’t get a chance to cover a lot of conventions here at MovieViral, but we have made Comic-Con and WonderCon staple events on our calendar. Next year, WonderCon is temporarily moving to Anaheim, which is right in our backyard, so we’ll be all over it. Tickets for Comic-Con’s little brother started going on sale today, so if you have $20 – $50 to spend, you could see a MovieViral staff member there! If you missed our coverage from last year’s event, click here, and we’ll bring you more news as we get closer to the March 16-18 dates of the convention. Comic-Con Conventions Events Wondercon
“The battle of wits has begun” – Princess Bride Wine! February 2, 2012February 2, 2012If there is one thing I love, it’s a good gla….fine, BOTTLE, of wine. I also enjoy movies, movies about wine, and whining about movies. No, this is not my dating profile. Stay with me now. This article has a point, and that is that one of the greatest films… Read More
Marvel’s “Captain America” To Debut At Comic-Con July 18, 2011San Diego Comic-Con is just two days away (if you count preview night), so some of the outside events are just now getting finalized and announced. We already knew that Marvel would be having a strong presence at the convention considering The Avengers opens next May and Captain America: The… Read More
Comic-Con 2013 Friday Photo Gallery July 20, 2013Friday at Comic-Con had a great list of Hall H panels, but we got some other stuff done as well. After the break, check out a gallery of photos from our various staff members. It includes some from my experience at the Godzilla Encounter, the Game of Thrones exhibit (across… Read More